FCGOP is constantly working for volunteers willing to be trained and work at the voting precincts. There are 63 official voting precincts in Florence city and county. Workers are labeled as Observers, Clerks and Managers with each title having a specific training provided by the State Election Commission. Observers are tasked with watching the overall operation of the polls to ensure that all rules are being followed. Clerks are seasoned volunteers who have worked as Managers and are responsible for setup, operation, and takedown of the polls. Clerks are responsible for all aspects of administering the polling in each precinct. The Managers are the ‘worker ants” who handle the check-in, voting, scanning and each element of voting. Of the 63 precincts, we are only represented in 30 of the polls. That means that in over half of the polls, we do not have any presence to ensure election integrity. We need your help. It is a long day, there is minimal pay, but at the end of the day you feel good about participating in the voting process.


Our logistics team is headed by Rudy Guajardo, who is our Sergeant-at-Arms. Each month they transport and set up the equipment needed for our monthly meetings at McClenaghan. Rudy supplies the truck and carts, but he needs strong backs to help him move and setup at 5:30pm each month. Following the meeting, he needs help in reversing the process and moving the equipment back our headquarters. Better known as the Republican Roadies.


The future of the Republican Party in Florence is dependent on including the minority population in our cause. We find that there are minorities just waiting to be included in our party. This endeavor is being led by Angela Cooper and assisted by Aida Calder. We need volunteers who are willing to seek opportunities to present the FCGOP Platform to individual and group minorities. We have seen that once they see what we believe, they recognize that their beliefs are the same.


This team is led by First Lady Cindy Page. These are the smiling faces you meet when you eat with us at meetings. They do a great job of preparing the food for presentation, serving, and making people feel glad that they came. Most people don’t recognize the work involved, but they also don’t recognize that it is fun to greet members at our functions.


We need some dynamic personalities who “know people who know people with money”. There are people in our community who don’t like to attend meetings, but who support what we do in politics. They are willing to make a donation because they want to see Conservative Republicans elected. Again, we need dynamic personalities who are willing to approach these people, tell them our story and ask for support. This takes a special type of person, but we know you are out there.

© 2023 FCGOP - All Rights Reserved

Florence County Office

1619 South Irby Street

Florence, SC 29501

